Why Does Your Cat Sleep All Day?

Have you noticed that your cat seems to be sleeping all day?

Well, cats do sleep a lot even as much as twice as humans do. The average sleep of a cat is 16 hours. But kittens and older cats log in more sleeping time.

So when you think that your cat is sleeping too much, don’t fret – it is their normal behavior.

Biologists have two reasons for this behavior. One: as cats require protein-rich diet, sleep allows them to digest their food properly. Two: contrary to belief that cats are nocturnal, they are crepuscular. These domesticated animals are most active at dawn and dusk.

The only time you should worry is when your cat seems to be lethargic or not its usual self. Or sleeping habits are changed wherein your cat is sleeping more than usual. See your veterinarian immediately to be sure.

So the next time you see your cat dreaming away, let them sleep. They are just charging up on their next ‘hunting’ time.

Learn more about Cat Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital



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