Category Archives for "Cat Q & A"

Cat Vaccination Schedule: When Is The Right Time To Give The Vaccine?

cat vaccination schedule

A new cat mommy sent this message:

“Doc, I got a new kitten, she’s a month old, should I bring her in for Rabies vaccine already?”

This is a common question that I get asked regarding the vaccination of their kittens.

The answer is not yet.

Rabies vaccine for cats should be given when the cat reaches 16 weeks or 4 months old.

Aside from Rabies Vaccination, there are core and non-core vaccinations that is recommend for cats in the Philippines according to the Philippine Association of Animal Hospitals.

Learn more about these core and non-core vaccinations here.

For the cat vaccination schedule, this is should be your guide for a kitten at 4 weeks old.

Vaccination Schedule For Kittens

cat vaccination schedule philippines

So for a cat at 4 weeks old or 1 month, you can bring your pet to the vet for a Fecal Examination and a check for earmites.

At this age, no vaccination is given yet.

You can also bring your cat at 9 weeks old already to be given the Feline Distemper Vaccine, have a check for earmites and undergo fecal examination in one vet visit.

This will be more convenient for you.

Want more convenience, Makati Dog and Cat Hospital offers Pet Pick-up and Delivery. You can avail of this service by scheduling your appointment at 896-2860.

If your cat is older, meaning your cat is over a year old, then here is the cat vaccination schedule you should follow.

Vaccination Schedule for Adult Cats

cat vaccination schedule

At a glance, the cat vaccination schedule is easy to remember. With this, you will know when to bring your cat and give the proper protection for you cat as they should have.

Do not get confused with cat vaccination, your tiny cat needs proper care from the time it was born until around 4 weeks old without any vaccination or tests unless there is obviously something wrong with them.

You can always discuss with your vet the cat vaccination schedule for your kitten or older cat.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Cat Vaccination: What You Need To Know

cat vaccinationOne time, a friend of mine came up to me and said, ‘Doc, I’m a bit confused on what to choose, a cat or a dog?’

‘Well, you can take care of both.’

‘But I only want to focus on one for now.’

‘Then you have to decide on your own. Taking care of a pet is a personal choice. You do your research, learn from it and decide from there’

After a few months, I met the friend again and he told me that he got a cat.

‘Doc, I decided to get a cat.’


‘I realized cats are low maintenance and do not need a bunch of vaccinations like dogs do.’

‘Ah, that’s where you are wrong.’

‘Huh? Do cats require vaccination?’

‘Of course!’

One of the misconceptions of raising a cat is that cats do not need vaccination.

It seems that just because cats seem to be able to care for themselves better than dogs, does not mean they do not need to visit the vet at all. (Nine lives, you know?)

But cats like dogs, have their own vaccination schedule to follow.

Before I discuss with you the cat vaccination schedule, let me tell you about cat vaccination.

Cat vaccination includes core and non-core vaccines.

As previously learned in dog vaccination, core vaccines are those that are recommended by veterinarians and every cat should be given.

For cats, the following are the core vaccines:

> Rabies
> Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV)
> Feline Herpesvirus (FHV)
> Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

Cat Vaccination Philippines: Rabies Virus

One of the most common and most important vaccine for your cat is the Rabies Vaccine. This is because the rabies virus can infect human beings and may cause death.

Cat Vaccination Philippines: Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV)

Feline Panleukopenia Virus causes Feline Distemper. When FPV attacks a cat, the white blood cells of the cat decreases. This means that the immune system of the cat is compromised and cannot defend itself from diseases. Feline Distemper can spread to other pets through direct contact.

Symptoms of Feline Distemper includes dehydration, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, fever and seizures. Infected cats, if untreated has a slim chance of surviving.

Cat Vaccination Philippines: Feline Herpesvirus (FHV)

Feline Herpesvirus or FHV causes Feline Rhinotracheitis. This is an upper respiratory infection of the cat’s nose and throat. Though cats of all ages are susceptible to this virus, kittens have a higher risk of getting infected.

As this affects the respiratory system of the cat, symptoms include uncontrollable sneezing and pneumonia. Other symptoms include discharges from the eyes and nose, fever, loss of appetite, conjunctivitis and malaise. This condition can be spread to other cats through direct contact.

Cat Vaccination Philippines: Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

Feline Calicivirus is also a common respiratory disease in cats. The Feline Calicivirus has the same symptoms of the Feline Herpesvirus. FCV, however, includes symptoms of inflammation of joints and ulcers on tongue, hard palate, tip of nose, lips or around claws.

Sometimes, both the FHV and FCV can infect a cat at the same time. This disease can be spread from one infected cat to another cat through direct contact. You should also know that the FCV is resistant to disinfectants and your unvaccinated cat can be at risk in any environment to contact the disease.

So these are the four core vaccines for your cat that you should be aware of. This vaccine is necessary to keep your cats protected from common feline viruses.

Cat Vaccination Philippines: Chlamydiosis

A non-core vaccine that is recommended for cats as well is for protection against the Chlamydia psittaci virus. Chlamydiosis is a bacterial disease that causes sneezing, coughing, conjunctivitis, runny nose, and watery eyes. This disease can be transferred from one cat to another through direct contact.

You can ask your veterinarian to learn more about cat vaccination on your next visit.


Enjoy peace of mind,


Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Expired Pet Vaccination Philippines: How Long Do Puppy Vaccines Really Last?

expired pet vaccination philippines

Expired Pet Vaccination In The Philippines: How Long Do Puppy Vaccines Really Last?

Were you able to read Part 1 of my post on pet vaccines in the Philippines that are expired?

Here’s that eye-opening article on expired pet vaccines in the Philippines

From that first article, you probably know by now that #WalangForeverSaVaccines.

Yes, after your pet’s initial vaccination, you still need to be mindful on the schedule of his re-vaccination …

… simply because #WalangForeverSaVaccines.

expired pet vaccination philippines

Expired Pet Vaccination In The Philippines: How Long Do Puppy Vaccines Really Last?

Vaccines given to your pet dogs and cats have a period of effectivity.

Once that period lapses, you need to have them re-vaccinated to keep them protected.

On his or her first year, your puppy will be receiving:

a. 5-in-1 vaccine

– recommended to puppies 6 weeks old or when your puppy is 1 month and a half in age.

– after his 1st vaccine, he will get 3 more shots every 3 weeks

b. Rabies vaccine

– recommended to puppies 4 months old.  By this time, he has already completed his 5-in1-vaccine

c. Bordatella vaccine

– recommended for puppies 4 months old and a half.  This is after his rabies vaccine

– after 2 weeks of getting his 1st vaccine, he will get his 2nd shot

After completing the core vaccines above, licensed Vets recommend that your pet dog will receive his core vaccines yearly.

For a complete schedule of vaccines for your puppy and the re-vaccination schedule, you can check out this post on Pet Vaccination Schedule: When Is The Recommended Vaccinations Given?  

Yearly visits to your Vet will include re-vaccination and annual check up.  This will ensure that you will have a long and happy relationship with your pet dogs and cats.

Now, you ask:  

“Doc Sixto, what are the chances that my pet dog will not be infected with diseases such as Distemper, Parvo, Hepatitis, and ParaInfluenza after completing his 5-in-1 vaccine shots?”

My Short Answer:

A lot of factors must be taken into consideration.  To keep it short and simple, you should consider 2 major factors:

  • Partner only with a Registered Vet for he would advise you on the best protective care via vaccines
  • Use quality vaccines.  Registered Vets have access to quality vaccines and they can recommend the best brands  that they are using for their practice.

Know what?  I promise to write a long answer to your question!  

Watch out for my next post.  I’ll share severals ways that we Vets consider when choosing the best brands of vaccines in the market to ensure that your pets are protected continuously!

Meantime, if you have questions about vaccination for your pet, send me a message in Makati Dog and Cat Hospital Facebook Page.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client


 Expired Pet Vaccines Philippines: What You Need To Know – Part 1

expired pet vaccines philippines

Expired Pet Vaccines Philippines: What do you know about them?

Let’s talk about hashtags and expired pet vaccines in the Philippines!

If there’s one hashtag that you need to remember with regard to your pet, it’s this:


Yes, pet vaccines expire in the Philippines and worldwide.  

I had to emphasize that kasi I have a janitor who once told me:  “Doc Sixto, sabi ng Lolo ko mas matagal daw ma-expire ang vitamins na galing sa America!”

Just like any medicines or vitamins, they do expire. Pet vaccines expire, regardless, if you bought them in the Philippines or abroad!

expired pet vaccines philippines

Expired Pet Vaccines Philippines Fact #1

Pet Vaccines have a shelf life.  You will find this at the back of the vial, where the expiry date is indicated.

Most reliable companies who manufacture pet vaccines indicate the shelf life of their products.

These reliable companies distribute their pet vaccines through licensed vaccines ONLY.  So if you got your pet vaccines through other sources, and NOT from licensed Vets, you have been warned.

Licensed Vets are governed by laws not to give expired vaccines.  This way, you and your pets are protected.

Expired Pet Vaccines Philippines Fact #2

“Doc Sixto, pwede pa ba ang vaccines kahit 2 months ng expired, basta di pa nabuksan?”

Licensed Vets strictly follow the rules so you’ll enjoy peace of mind while caring for your pet dogs and cats.

Your trusted Vet will never give expired vaccine shots for the following reasons:

  • It will endanger the life of your pet
  • It will endanger his Vet practice forever!
  • He will lose you as his client forever once you know or you suspect that he is doing something unusual!

For a Vet, it’s a huge risk for us to not follow the rules.  After all, our continuing practice relies heavily on the trust of pet owners like you.

Keep in mind:  #WalangForeverSaVaccines

Make sure you partner only with a Licensed Vet when caring for your pet dogs and cats!


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Can I Give My Puppy His 1st Puppy Vaccine Shots?

Puppy vaccine shots

Big Question: Can I Give My Puppy His 1st Puppy Vaccine Shots?

Hello There Responsible Pet Parent,

Just the other day, I received this message:

“Hi Doc Sixto, Can I give my pet his 1st puppy vaccine shots?  I just bought my puppy, well, it’s actually our puppy, me and my GF.

I bought our puppy from a breeder online and one of his tips is to have the 1st puppy vaccine shots done by me “para makatipid kayo ng malaki.”

Sabi pa nya, “You can give the vaccines yourself, as long as you never plan to show, or export the dog.”

Should I listen to his advice?”

– Mon A., from Taguig


Must You Really Give Your Puppy His 1st Puppy Vaccine Shots?

First, vaccines are only sold to Licensed or Registered Vets.  If you got your supply from shady sources “dahil mas mura”, know that you may be endangering the life of your pet.

Second, Licensed Vets have the knowledge about the dosage and schedule of puppy vaccine shots.  

Third, Licensed Vets are required to sign the vaccination book of your pet.  If you plan to travel with your pet, authorities here and abroad will only recognize vaccination books signed by registered Vets.

Puppy vaccine shots philippines

If you are asking the same question like Mon above, here are the 2 questions you should ask yourself:

  • Will you entrust the life of your only child to a person you just met on the street?
  • When it comes to the life of your only child, would you seek a Licensed Medical Doctor or sales agent?

Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t have anything against sales agents!  I love them, for they alert me about products or services that will help us enjoy peace of mind!

Enough about me, let’s talk about YOU as the pet owner.

If you are asking the same question:  Can I Give My Puppy His 1st Puppy Vaccine Shots?

Well, I only serve responsible pet owners.  

I only want to serve responsible pet owners, who truly care about the health of their pet dogs and cats.

Okay lang kung matipid ka sa ibang bagay.  You can count on me if you envision having long lasting relationship with your 1st puppy.

If that is your vision, you should consider pet vaccination as one of the strong pillars to having happy and healthy pets.  

It is a MUST that you partner with Licensed or Registered Vet when it comes to pet vaccination.

Now, have I convinced you to partner up with your Vet with regards to your puppy’s vaccination?

If Yes, good for you and your puppy!

If No, then you can stop following me in the cyberworld.  No hard feelings, promise!


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client



Pet Vaccine Companies Philippines:  Know Whom To Trust

Pet Vaccine Companies Philippines

Hello Responsible Pet Owners,

Ever wonder who are the trusted pet vaccine companies Philippines?

Pet owners often ask me about the types of vaccines that their pets need or the pet vaccine schedule on when to have their vaccine shots or the age when they should start their first shot …

… but only ONE Pet Mom asked me about pet vaccine companies in the Philippines.

Her Shih Tzu is scheduled for 5in1 vaccination.  I was about to give Fluffy her shot when her Pet Mom asked me:

“Doc, ano po ang brand ng vaccine nyo po?”

Initially, I though she is working for one company that manufactures pet vaccines in the Philippines and I braced myself for a long sales pitch.

I was wrong.

She is one concerned responsible pet mom … and I applaud her for asking the question.

Before knowing the types of vaccine, the schedule of puppy vaccines, about booster shots, she is right.  You have to know if your vet’s vaccine comes from a reliable company.

In my years of dealing with pet vaccine companies in the Philippines, I have learned  who are the most reliable.

Here are the things that you need to know about …

Pet Vaccine Companies Philippines: How To Know Who Are Reliable

  1. Is the company established?  How long has the company been in existence?  

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Zoetis is a spinoff of Pfizer, which existed starting in 1950s.  

According to Wikipedia, Zoetis is the world’s largest producer of medicine and vaccinations for pets and livestock.”

  • Merial is founded in 1997
  • Virbac is founded in 1968
  1. Where is the main company based?  

Companies based in advanced countries have an edge here.  They have to follow stringent country policies in the production of their vaccines.  Their facilities are regularly inspected.  So you can be assured of the quality of vaccines that they manufacture.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Zoetis’ headquarters is in the US
  • Merial’s headquarters is in France
  • Virbac is based in France
  1. Does it have an office here in the Philippines? In case you want to ask some questions about their vaccines, you can easily contact them

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Zoetis is listed in the New York Stock Exchange, operating in countries worldwide. Zoetis Philippines is based in BGC, Taguig
  • Merial is found in 150 countries and Merial Philippines is in Legaspi St, Makati City
  • Virbac is found in 100 countries and their office here in the Philippines is in BGC, Taguig

pet vaccine companies Philippines

There you have it, these are basic facts that you need to know about reliable pet vaccines in the Philippines.

The next time your puppy has her vaccine shots, feel free to ask your Vet about the brand of the vaccine he will give.

Ask him to show you the vial, if you wish.

See if the vaccine is manufactured by Zoetis, Merial or Virbac 🙂


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM. MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

P.S.  Of the 3 companies, most of our vaccines in our Pet Hospital come from Zoetis, who is one of our trusted partners in pet vaccination 🙂

Pet Vaccination Schedule: When Is The Recommended Vaccinations Given?

One common question pet owners ask me is this:  What is the proper Pet Vaccination Schedule for my pet?

For pet owners, it is a responsibility to bring your pet to the veterinary clinic and get the recommended vaccines. But most do not know the right time to bring their pets for shots.

Some are too excited to have their pets vaccinated that they want the vaccine shots given too early.  Take note:  there’s a schedule for every type of vaccine.  To read more on the types of vaccine, check out the article here: Pet Vaccination: Is It necessary?

So when should you bring your pet to the vet clinic?

Here is the vaccination schedule recommended by the Philippine Animal Hospital Association:

pet vaccination schedule

Pet Vaccination Schedule:  First Month of Your Puppy

For the first month of your pup, no vaccines are given. Your pet will only require deworming and fecalysis.

Your pet will then have the first vaccination of the 5-n-1 vaccine at 6 weeks old and in 3 more schedules thereafter with an interval of 3 weeks each. Just like vaccines given to babies there is the first dose, second dose, third dose, then a booster shot.

Pet Vaccination Schedule: When Should Your Pet get Rabies Vaccination?

pet vaccination schedule

Another common question from pet owners is this: when should your pet get a Rabies Vaccination?

As you can see from the chart, you can bring your pet to your vet for rabies shot at 4 months. Some pet parents want their weeks-old pets to get the vaccine, but the recommended age is at 4 months.

If you notice, this is also the time for the third dose of the 5-n-1 vaccine. It is safe for both Rabies vaccine and 5-n-1 vaccine to be given at the same time.

Pet Vaccination Schedule: Is Bortadella Vaccine Really Necessary

On the 18th and 20th week of your furbaby, Bordetella vaccine is given. pet vaccination schedule

This vaccine is recommended as kennel cough is contagious. If your pet has low immune system, then it can be susceptible to the disease.

NOTE:  Most if not all pet boarding facilities require this vaccine to protect your pet.

Pet Vaccination Schedule: What’s Next After Completing My Puppy’s Vaccination Program?

Now that your pet has completed the vaccination program and is doing well, what next?

In the Philippines, to make sure that your pet is in tip top shape and is kept healthy inside out, an annual check should be scheduled. During this vet visit, your pet will be thoroughly checked and the annual vaccines given.

Rabies vaccine should be given every year by law. Then to make sure your pet is protected from common diseases, the 5-n-1 and Bordetella vaccines should also be given. These can be given during the annual check up as long as your pet is well.

Here is the recommended vaccination for adult dogs:

pet vaccination schedule

Pet Vaccination Schedule may be complicated at first, but just like everything, you, as the pet owner, will be able to handle it. After all you are after the well being of your fur baby.

If you need to know more about the pet vaccination, do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian about the pet vaccination schedule.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Pet Vaccination: Is It Necessary?

Pet Vaccination

If you are a responsible pet owner, one of the priorities that you think about is pet vaccination. When you get a new pup, the first thing that comes to mind is: Has the little dog been vaccinated already?

If you adopt or buy a pet today, you will be given a pet record showing you of the vaccines that the dog already had and when the next one is due.

But the question remains: Is Pet Vaccination Necessary?

As a veterinarian, the immediate answer would be: Yes! At the same time as a responsible pet owner, it is highly recommended.

As a responsible pet parent, pet vaccination protects your pet. Period.

Do not just think that pet vaccination is necessary just because a veterinarian requires it.

Now, there are two categories of Pet Vaccination, the Core and Non-Core Vaccinations.

Core Vaccinations are the recommended vaccinations that every pet should take. This includes Rabies, Distemper, Parvovirus and Adenovirus (Canine Hepatitis).

Why are these recommended vaccinations?

The core vaccinations protect your pet from dangerous viral diseases common to dogs and the vaccinations also protect you, as well.

Let’s take a look at some of these viruses.

Parvovirus: Deadly Dog Virus

pet vaccination

You should know (and you can research about it) that one of the main causes of puppy deaths is Parvovirus. Research shows that 91% of untreated puppies with parvovirus lead to death because the immune system cannot handle the attack.

The only way to protect your pet from this virus is through vaccination.

Even though parvovirus cannot spread from dogs to humans, this condition is contagious among dogs. This is typically contracted from the feces of an infected dog.

When a dog has parvovirus, they can contaminate the neighborhood dogs as even the soil that touches the virus can be a contaminant. If your dog is recovering from this disease, it can still shed this virus and be present in their feces.

Parvovirus vaccination is usually given as a one shot with the other core vaccinations. This vaccination can be given to your puppy as early as 6 weeks old.

Rabies: Main Cause Of Deaths from Animal Bites

pet vaccination

Rabies is a major cause of deaths from animal bites in the country.

With a not too strict implementation of the law on pet care, there are a number of strays that can be found anywhere. And that’s where the danger of contracting the rabies virus lies.

What the government provides is a mandate that dogs should be given the rabies vaccination to each dog every year.

And if any case that you or your loved one is bitten by a dog especially a dog you do not know the owner, go to the nearest bite center in your area.

Early medical care given to a dog bite is the best way for cure.

Once the bitten person shows symptoms of the presence of rabies virus, then it becomes a fatal disease.

Be sure to keep your dogs within your property and be mindful of the dogs they interact with.

Pet Vaccination: Best Care For Your Pet

pet vaccination

Do your due diligence and understand why Pet Vaccination is imperative to your pet’s health.

Most veterinary clinics have a vaccination program for your pets, so it will be easier for you to keep track of the vaccination schedule of your pet. Ask your veterinarian about Pet Vaccination on your next vet visit.

And please, do not hesitate to ask. Veterinarians would be glad to answer your queries no matter if you think how trivial they may be.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Why You Should Take Advantage Of A Pet Boarding Facility

pet boarding facility

Have you hear of a pet boarding facility? If you are a pet lover and have someone to watch over your pet while you are away, probably not.

But what if one day, you have to take a trip and everyone else in the house also are going away? Or you have to go on a family vacation and cannot bring your pet along?

What should you do? One option is to leave your pet with a friend. But how sure are you that your pet will be taken cared of the way you want to? Your friend has to leave his or her place to work and go out with friends.

You know, life happens.

Do you know that you have a better option?

Nowadays, a popular way to leave your pet behind in a secure and safe place is availing of a pet boarding facility.

Pet boarding facilities is like a hotel for dogs and cats. You leave your pet under the care of pet care professionals for one day or more.

pet boarding facility

Why not just leave your pets with a friend or relative?

Sure you can do that if you have friends and relatives you can trust. But if you are in a place where you have few and far in between friends as well as relatives then you just have the answer.

No need to worry and panic just thinking who will take care of your pet while you take a business trip or vacation. Or your mind drifting away while you are in a far away place wondering if your pet has eaten or has exercised for the day.

pet boarding facility

Experience a worry free vacation because you allowed your pet to be in the hands of pet care professionals.

You can enjoy the trip knowing that your furbaby is well cared for.

Are you having a business trip or family vacation soon? Contact Makati Dog and Cat Hospital for pet boarding facility services.

Call Ms. Mina or Ms. Diane for bookings and reservations.

Cat Heartworm: Does Your Cat Have Heartworm?

Have you read the series of articles that I shared on heartworm for dogs? How about cat heartworm?

Here’s the latest article that I shared: Prevent Heartworm: You Can Laugh At Your Heartworm Worries — If You Follow This Simple Plan 

This is to ensure that pet parents are aware of the huge possibility of heartworm infection in dogs. Especially that Philippines is a country where mosquitoes are a common sight.

But what if you are a cat person? Is heartworm infection possible for your cat?

One pet parent before thought her cat was just having asthma.

After further tests, to her dismay, the cat actually had heartworm. And there is nothing can be done about it anymore.

Read on to find out why.

Cat Heartworm: Feline Heartworm Infection

Cat Heartworm

Recently Dirofilaria immitis infection in cats has been receiving a lot of attention. Cats are susceptible to this worm but they are much more resistant of getting infected compared to dogs.

Typically, cats do not show signs if they are infected and are not normally tested for heartworm.

The prevalence rate of infection in cats is about 10% compared to dogs.

Infection in cats differs from dogs in several ways.  Cats tend to harbour very few adult worms, maybe just one or two.  

Even though cats get less worms,  they have a relatively smaller body size than dogs.  

This may cause more problems and are still considered to be heavily infected.

Cat Heartworm 2

The presence of heartworm larvae can cause a respiratory ailment often mistakenly identified as asthma.  This is called Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease.

Compared to dogs,  there is no approved treatment for adult heartworm in cats.

It is better to have a preventive to keep them from getting infected with this worm.

Do not wait for heartworm to infect your cats.

Ask your vet about cat heartworm and how you can prevent it.

Visit us now at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital and enjoy peace of mind taking care of your cat.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

P.S. You might want to read more on Heartworm here:

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