Category Archives for "Dog Q & A"

5 Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Dog

Dog owners understand that for a relationship to flourish – yes even with dogs – you have to make time and spend time with your furry kids.

How? Here are five ways you can make sure that you and your pet are best buddies.

Spend One-on-one Time With Your Dog

When you treat your pets as part of your family, one way to let them know that you value them is to have time with them.

Dogs are easy pleasers, so no need to take them to a fancy restaurant or take them to luxury travels. Though if you can then go ahead.

A simple walk with your dog is one way to spend time with them. Add more time if you can.

Cuddle time or just being with your dog while relaxing at home will truly be appreciated.

Train Your Dog

Training allows your dog to have more freedom and does not have to be leashed. When your dog is taught the boundaries in the house, the commands, then he understands what you want.

Feed Your Dog The Best Food

Like most men or even women, one way to a dog’s heart is through their stomach. Put a little love in your dog’s food by giving the best to them. You can prepare healthy and tasty meals. You can also provide pre-prepared food that best suits the nutritional needs of your dog.

Have Time To Play

Dogs are like kids that require play to spend off their energy. So take your dog out and play with them.

Bring his favorite ball and have a jog together and while you rest in between runs, you can let your dog play more with his ball or toy.

It is a win-win situation as you burn some calories and play with your dog.

Know The Likes And Dislikes Of Your Dog

Understand your dog’s personality. Like humans, your furry kid has their own unique lifestyle. He may be a playful pet, a couch potato or a guard dog. So find out as much as you can on what games he likes, favorite toys and food. Learn also the situations that your dog likes or those that make him uncomfortable. With this, you are able to build trust with your dog as you allow him to have the best life possible.

Give the best to your pest always!

Learn how to care for your pets at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Dog Chew On Everything And How To Stop This Behaviour

After a day’s work, you look forward to going home and when you open the door to your home, you looked around in horror. Your dog just messed up big time!

It seems that your furniture has just been chewed on to bits!

Dog owners is this a familiar scenario?

Most if not all dog owners have experienced their dog gnawing on anything their teeth get into. It seems to be an accepted dog behavior.

But you can actually control this behavior and even go so far as stopping it.

Before that, you have to understand why dogs are prone to chewing much about everything.

Separation Anxiety

Dogs are pack animals in their natural environment. They feel safe when there are more than one of them left. This means when you leave your only dog at home, it makes them anxious of looking out for the territory by himself.

Chewing allows them to relieve the stress. Though some chew the door to try to escape the social isolation.

Lonely Dog

Chewing can also mean that your dog is simply bored. Your dog is not exercised as often as he or she likes or has nothing to do while waiting for your return.

Your Dog Can Be Hungry

This usually happens when your dog is on a diet. Your dog attempts to find additional nutrition sources. And you will know this if the objects chewed on are food related or smells like food.

So what can be your actions to control and eventually stop the chewing?

Rule Out Medical Concerns

To make sure that your pet does not have any medical problems, see your vet to confirm that your dog’s chewing is just normal behavior. Poor diet with or without intestinal parasitism can lead to dog chewing. These gastrointestinal problems can cause nausea and chewing is your pet’s coping mechanism.

Dog Proof Your House

Puppies are curious and one way to make sense of anything is through chewing. And as they are teething, chewing relieves some of its discomforts.

So remove objects that can be of interest to a young dog such as shoes, socks, toys, books and etc. Do not let them have access in rooms that are not dog proofed.

Electrical cords should be hidden to avoid electrocution.

Allow Appropriate Chewing

As chewing is a normal behavior for dogs, provide toys that they can chew on.

You can give dental chewsticks to keep your dog’s teeth healthy at the same time while they chew on it. You can also give other non-edible toys like balls, kongs, etc.

Train Your Dog Not To Chew On Your Stuff

One way to ensure that your stuff are off the dog’s chewing things is to train them.

When your dog chews on your things, take it away from him and scold him. Then give him his chewing toy and encourage him to chew on that and not on your stuff. Praise your dog when he chews on his toys and not yours.

Repeat this until your dog finally realizes that your things are off limits and he has his own chewing toys to play with.

Spend Playtime and Exercise With Your Pet

An important step to reduce chewing is giving your pet a daily exercise. When your pet is exercised, he is able to spend his energy on playing and having fun with you than just doing nothing.

If your dog is tired after all the exercising and playing then he has a lesser tendency to chew.

Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Do Dogs And Cats Enjoy Watching Television?

In the recent development of digital television, it is believed that pets have better reception of it.

How Do Pets See Television?

Compared to humans, cats and dogs have very different vision.

To pets, the old television was just showing a series of images flashing on the screen. For human eyes, the reception looked continuous.

This is because dogs and cats have a faster flicker rate than humans. Their brains are able to pick up more images from their retina per second. This meant TV appear as a series of flashing images.

That has now changed with digital television.

How Do Pets See?

Dogs and cats don’t see vibrant colours, but see movement more accurately than we do.

Dogs can see some colours but more on the blue spectrum. But they are red-green colour-blind.

Cats see more colours in the blue, yellow and green spectrums than dogs. These felines are adapted to low light situations. The anatomy of their eye allows them to hunt in near darkness areas.

Cats are less optimised for the red colour spectrum, but can know the difference between green and red.

So the bright colours of your favourite TV shows are most probably lost on them.

Dogs and cats are also far-sighted. This means close-up images appear somewhat fuzzy. In fact even with distant things they are easier to see if moving.

Cats rely mostly on their sensitive whiskers when viewing up close.

Your pets don’t see TV the same way that humans do. And these domesticated animals might find certain shows uncomfortable to their sensitive ears.

However, there are pet owners who can attest that their cats and dogs have favorite shows. In any case, you can always turn the brightness down in your TV. Or subscribe to pet channels to indulge your furry kid to couch potato time.

Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Do Dogs Fart?

Why Do Dogs Fart?

Do you know that dogs fart too? Now you know. Dogs can fart too. There are several reasons that this could happen.

Eating Too Fast
When you have more than one dog, the dogs may eat in competition. This will make them eat too quickly and thus can ingest air. Feed them separately and split their food into smaller meals.

Swallowing Of Air
Snub-nosed dogs such as the bulldog, boxer or staffy are mouth breathers. This could result into swallowing excessive amounts of air. It is recommended for these types of dog to avoid getting overweight to lessen excessive snoring and panting.

Presence Of Parasites
When parasites are present in your dog, this can cause intestinal problems as well as secondary flatulence. It is essential for your dog to have regular intestinal worming.

Breakdown of Plant Fibers
Dogs cannot directly digest plant fibers. The intestinal bacteria breaks down the plant fibers and causes gas. This process is healthy for the dogs as they are able to get nutrients for their well being.

Dog farting is pretty much normal for any dog. But if you notice more than usual passing of gas, then take your dog to the vet.

Keep in mind that your vet will probably ask lots of questions about your dog’s poo and may even ask for a sample.

Now you know why dogs fart.

Learn more about Dog Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Call Ms. Mylez to schedule your Deworming Vaccination at 896-2860 today!

Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Why Do Dogs Howl?


As a pet owner, you have heard your dog’s howl and may deem it a usual though sometimes annoying behavior.

So why do dogs howl?

There are various reasons that researchers have come up with but the main thing about dog howling is to communicate. And it is bound up in this animal’s genetics.

Here are the top 3 reasons why dogs howl:

Dog Howling is a Homing Beacon

In the wild, dog howling is like a vocal homing beacon to guide other pack members back. For pets, this is expressed similarly especially if you are out of the house the whole day. Dogs howl to call home their loved ones.

Dog Howling is a Defense Mechanism

It is usually the same scenario when you enter a property with a dog that does not know you – they bark and howl. Dog howling is their way to ward off predators and alerting the others in the pack (or their pet owner) to keep safe.

Dog Howling to Attract Attention Or Response To Stimuli

Dog howling can be also used as a way to attract attention. This may mean that your pet wants to play. This could also mean that your pet does not like being left alone for an extended period of time.

Howling could also be a dog’s way to response to stimuli. You can observe this when they hear sirens of the ambulance, firetruck or police.

Howling can mean differently. So the next time you hear your dog howling, find out why and learn their language.

Keep Your Pets Healthy All The Time! A friendly reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital



Why Do Dogs Pant?

Why Do Dogs Pant?

Dogs are created to handle heat in a different way than humans do.

Dogs only have very few sweat glands. That is why you don’t see these pets sweating off on their furs. These animals swear on their paw pads and less furry areas. But the main way to cool off for dogs is through panting.

Panting is quick, shallow breathing which enhances the water evaporation from the tongue, mouth and upper respiratory tract. Evaporation dissipates heat as water vapor.

It somewhat sounds like magic.

A normal breathing rate of a dog is at 30 to 40 beats per minute. A panting dog can take 300 to 400 breaths per minute but needs little effort. Panting does not expend more energy because of the lungs’ natural elasticity. Panting also does not create additional heat.

So the next time you see your dog panting, it just needs to cool off.

Keep Your Pets Healthy All The Time! A friendly reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


What Are The Symptoms Of Canine Distemper?

What Are The Symptoms Of Canine Distemper?

Canine Distemper Symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Eye discharge
  • Pneumonia
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Depletion of white blood cells (lymphopenia)
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Spasmodic muscle jerks (myoclonus)
  • Muscle tremors
  • Eye problems
  • Hardening of paw pads
  • Unusual tooth enamel

Dogs that have strong immune system can fight the infection brought about by canine distemper quickly. About half of these dogs infected with the canine distemper virus will show symptoms.

Often, the first signs of your dog having canine distemper infection include fever, runny nose and eye discharge. These respiratory symptoms typically show within 24 hours of infection. Those dogs with weak immune systems develop pneumonia. Most dogs with this virus have no appetite. Some dogs vomit and have diarrhea.

It is best that you bring your dog to the vet immediately to be given proper care.

Keep Your Pet Healthy At All Times!

A friendly reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


What Is Canine Distemper?

What Is Canine Distemper?

Canine distemper is a virus commonly affects unvaccinated puppies or adolescent dogs. This virus affects a dog’s respiratory, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems, also the conjunctival membranes of the eye.

The first symptoms of canine distemper include coughing, sneezing, and thick mucus coming from the nose and eyes. Other signs include vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy, fever, depression and/or loss of appetite.

Dogs can get the virus through direct contact with saliva, fresh urine or blood of the infected dog. The virus can also be passed on by sharing of food and water bowls, coughing and sneezing.

It is best your vet immediately if you suspect that your dog is infected with the canine distemper virus.

Keep Your Pet Healthy At All Times!

A friendly reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

How Do You Get Rid Of Ticks On Your Dog

flea tick philippinesTicks are bad news: They transmit several diseases that can cause severe illness and even death in both dogs and humans, so keeping your dog tick-free is a top priority.

To remove a tick, follow these steps:

  1. Use a pair of tweezers to grasp the head of the tick where it attaches to the skin.
  2. Wear gloves if you plan to use your fingers to remove the tick.
  3. Pull on the tick gently and steadily. If you yank the tick away from your dog too quickly, you’ll leave part of the tick’s mouth behind, which can cause an infection.
  4. In about 20 to 30 seconds, the tick’s mouth will release its grasp and the tick will come away cleanly.
  5. Dab some disinfectant on your dog on the bitten area, being extremely careful if you’re around your dog’s eyes.
  6. Kill the tick by placing it in alcohol.
  7. Save the dead tick in a resealable plastic bag, labeled with the date on which the tick was found.
  8. This may sound weird, but if your dog becomes ill, you may need to identify the species of tick that bit him.

Never remove a tick with your bare hands, and never crush a tick between your fingers. If you do, you put yourself at risk of contracting Lyme disease or one of the other tick-borne diseases.

If your dog becomes ill and you recently found a tick on him, seek veterinary attention immediately. Most tick-borne diseases can be treated successfully if a diagnosis is made immediately and appropriate treatment initiated. If the tick-borne organisms are allowed to gain a foothold, however, these bad bugs can cause serious illness or even death.

Keep Your Pets Safe From Ticks!

A Friendly Reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

How Do You Stop Your Dog From Drinking From The Toilet?

You don’t have to put up with potty drinking for long — you just have to modify your behavior first.

  1. Leave the toilet lid down. This is one of those duh things that some people don’t do because it’s just so easy to forget. If the toilet water is inaccessible, then your dog can’t drink it. Of course, there are always those crafty canines that somehow manage to lift up the toilet lid anyway, which brings us to No. 2 on the list.
  1. Close the bathroom door. If leaving the toilet lid down doesn’t deter your dog from drinking from the toilet, then close the bathroom door. This gives you the added bonus of keeping your dog out of the bathroom altogether and away from potentially poisonous or harmful chemicals, medicines and toiletries.
  1. Keep your dog’s water bowl filled. Make sure your dog always has easy access to fresh, clean water. A dog who turns up his nose at water that has been sitting stagnant for days (or even hours) will probably go in search of a fresher alternative (read: the toilet). Also, a dog who is a big drinker might finish his water before his thirst is quenched, so be on the lookout for an empty  water bowl, and fill it accordingly.
  1. Try a gadget or gizmo. If all else fails and your dog still craves a taste of the toilet, there are products available that might help, including automatic water bowls and fountains that keep the water circulating and fresh. You could also try installing a toilet-seat lid locks, which will let you easily use the toilet but fasten shut when not in use.

Know More About Your Dog’s Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

