Category Archives for "Ticks and Fleas"

Simparica Manila Dog Ticks and Fleas: Why Your Dogs Have Them And What You Should Do To Prevent Them

Simparica Manila Dog Ticks and Fleas: Why Your Dogs Have Them And What You Should Do To Prevent Them

Is your dog scratching almost nonstop?

Do you feel that despite your best efforts at keeping him/her and your surroundings clean, ticks and fleas still get the better of you?

Is the situation causing distress not only to your fur baby but to you and your family?

You’re not alone. It is a fact, ticks and fleas are probably at the top of every paw parent’s list of problems.

Knowing how these parasites are able to invade our homes and our lives can take us one step ahead to preventing them from causing harm to both humans and pets.

Here are the three top culprits:

Contact With Other Dogs

As much as we want to shelter our dogs, we can’t deny that they also benefit a lot from social interaction with their kind. Meeting other dogs on your regular walks can be unavoidable, too.

Sadly, more than barks and butt sniffs can be exchanged in pet meetups and playdates. Yes, oftentimes, ticks and fleas can be transmitted from one dog to another as well.

Contact With Humans

Did you know that humans can also be unwitting carriers of ticks and fleas? Well now you do!

These bloodsuckers can temporarily hang out on your skin, hair, and clothes before they jump to their permanent host, a.k.a. your beloved fur baby.

Your Immediate Environment

Ticks and fleas probably spend most of their lives not on your dog’s back—but on your ceilings, walls, floors, beds, furniture, etc. They can lie in wait then attack your poor dog after his/her bath or treatment.

But don’t despair. There are many ways to prevent a full-blown infestation from happening. And no, it doesn’t require you to completely isolate your dog and/or sterilize your surroundings.

Choose Your Tick and Flea Treatment for Your Pet

There are various tick and flea treatment available in the market today. This treatment is a must have for pet parents everywhere. And such treatment can be in the form of chewable tablet, spot on treatment and even injectables.

So if you are looking for an easy to give tick and flea treatment, you can try out Simparica.

Now In Manila:  Simparica – The Long Lasting Anti Ticks and Fleas Treatment

Simparica is a fuss-free monthly chewable tick and flea protection.

It acts as a strong and long-term shield that kills your dog’s unwanted guests.

More importantly, Simparica prevents new ones from staying, and gives you and your family peace of mind.

If you need a quick relief that lasts longer, you can try the new Simparica Dog and Flea Protection. It protects your pet from nasty tick and flea infestation not just 30 days but up to 35 days.

To order yours, call Ms. Mylez at these numbers: 896-6386 / 896-2860 / 0908-896-7113


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Flea Remedies: 3 Best Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs

flea remedies
Flea Remedies: 3 Best Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs

You’ve seen it, haven’t you?

And you even have to remove it from your furbaby’s skin.

It’s an ewwww moment, but you gotta do what you got to do.

Yep, that flea needs to get away from your dog, fast.

For dog lovers, this can be a common thing.

Yes, it’s not just you. Been there. Done that. And maybe even more.

We have seen it, we have removed it and we have put it away.

How? Well, you can think of different ways.

And you ask, what are the different ways to remedy fleas from your dogs?

Let me tell you some of the best flea remedies for your dog:

Flea Remedies: Protect Your Home

Fleas thrive in a house where they are being ignored.  They can hide in a corner or in your carpet. Do not let this happen.

It is important to have a habit of cleaning off everything in your home. If you use carpets, arrange them in such a way that it will not meet the wall, that’s the fleas favorite spot right there.

Wash pet beds as well as furniture covers.  Vacuum at least once a week all over your house and don’t forget to throw away the trash bag where you emptied your vacuum bags into.

You can put refined salt or baking soda on your furniture and carpet to keep off the fleas from making a home in there.

Flea Remedies: Protect Your Garden

It is not just your home that you should protect but also your garden, if you have one. Interestingly, you can get help from other insects to eradicate fleas.

Ladybug’s meal consist of soft-bodied bugs like fleas. An adult ladybug can consume as much as 50 insects a day.

If you see fire ants in your yard, do not totally get rid of them. Keep them in your yard as they are flea larvae eating machines. You can allow fire ants to be present but in a controlled manner.

Flea Remedies: Avail of Flea and Tick Treatment

To end flea infestation quickly, here’s the one thing you can do: talk to your vet and ask on the best flea and tick treatment in the market.

Flea and tick treatment gets rid of ticks and fleas fast. And effectiveness is long lasting. There are products that last up to 30 days. So you can just give your pet a chewable tablet once a month to make sure that your fur baby is tick and flea free.

There are several flea and tick treatment available in the market today and you can discuss this with your pet’s vet to find out the best option.

Next time you come across a flea, you know what to do.

If you need a quick relief that lasts longer, you can try the new Simparica Dog and Flea Protection. It protects your pet from nasty tick and flea infestation not just 30 days but up to 35 days.

To order yours, call Ms. Mylez at these numbers: 896-6386 / 896-2860 / 0908-896-711.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client



Fleas Philippines: 3 Obvious Signs Your Pet Has Fleas And Why You Should Not Ignore Them

fleas philippinesYes, we have been there.

After a day’s work, you just want to relax.

Your furry baby snuggles up to you and you both have a relaxing Saturday night.

But then your dog starts scratching and you seem to be scratching as well.

It’s nothing to fear but your dog might have fleas.

It may be common for dogs to have fleas but you do not want that on YOUR dog.

Here are the 3 Obvious Signs Your Dog Has Fleas:

Fleas Philippines: More Than Usual Scratching or Chewing

After fleas bite a dog, they secrete saliva which causes itching sensation on the skin. The main areas that get itchy are the from the upper arms, armpits, belly, sides, thighs and tail base.  

Some dogs can manage the itching sensation but some dogs can feel the itch far greater than others. This can lead to the dogs chewing or biting the itchy spots.

So it is no surprise that if your dog is scratching their bodies, you can suspect that fleas are attacking. More often than not, your dog can get frustrated because of the itch and can become restless of the flea infestation.

Fleas Philippines: Presence of Flea Dirt

Try to do this now: go to the furrier areas of your dog – ears, neck, hindquarters or belly. Part the fur and check if you see small dark dirt bits. Like peppered “soil” spots on your dog’s skin.

Now how could ‘soil’ get there?

Well, they are actually not soil but digested blood by the fleas. So yes, the dark bits are flea feces.

You can also test if these bits are flea dirt. Get a wet paper towel and grab some bits. If it turns reddish brown then you can now confirm what is on your dog is flea dirt.

Don’t forget to wash your hands.

Fleas Philippines: Visible Skin Problems

Aside from the scratching and flea dirt, you may notice that your dog experiences hair loss. This is usually an effect of excessive scratching and biting. This is most common to dogs with longer coats.

Other than hair loss, red rash or hot spots can also develop as an allergic reaction to the flea saliva.

And as pet owners, you are not safe from the flea bites as well. Fleas can bite you and may cause red bumps or welts – and yes it will be irritatingly itchy.

What can you do?

There are various ways to get rid of dog fleas that are available in the market today. You can ask your vet what you can do for your pet.

If you need a quick relief that lasts longer, you can try the new Simparica Dog and Flea Protection. It protects your pet from nasty tick and flea infestation not just 30 days but up to 35 days.

To order yours, call Ms. Mylez at these numbers: 896-6386 / 896-2860 / 0908-896-7113


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Apartment Living Dogs: Do They Need Anti-Fleas and Ticks Treatment?

apartment living dogs

Apartment Living Dogs: Do They Need Anti-Fleas and Ticks Treatment?

We understand how you feel.

You arrive from work and you see Truffles scratching and itching nonstop.

Oh no! Could this be the worst nightmare of all pet parents? But how can this be? Truffles rarely go outside, she is always inside your apartment!

Which leads you to the question …

Apartment living dogs: do they get fleas and ticks?

Which leads you to the NEXT question …

We have apartment living dogs, HOW can they get fleas and ticks?

You will be surprised at the possible sources:

  1. Human Visitors

… and this includes you!  You and your human visitors can be carriers of fleas and ticks. Anyone coming into your home could be a carrier of fleas. They can be brought in from the your visitors’ own home or pet without their knowledge.

Fleas can hide themselves in your visitors’ pants leg, socks, shoes, shopping bags etc.

Ticks can attach themselves to any part of the body, including the groin, under the arms, inside the ear, in the hair, inside the belly button, and behind the knee.

  1. Outside your apartment home

Anytime your pet goes out into the world — even if it is only:

  • A short walk around the street
  • A play date at the local dog park
  • A visit to the veterinarian
  • An overnight stay for pet boarding
  • A trip to the groomer
  • A ride in the car and other

… your pet is being exposed to the opportunity for fleas and ticks to hop aboard.

  1. You brought home furniture with fleas

If you are a fan of vintage furniture or pre-loved home furnishings, you may have unwittingly carried flea eggs into your home.

You think that you luckily scored a home item, a coat, or a bag at a very low price from your neighbor’s Garage Sale? Double-check that carpet or curtain that you bought from a Garage Sale a few weeks ago.  These may have hidden pests clinging on them!

TIP:  Vacuum that carpet or curtain or sofa repeatedly. Eggs can stay dormant in the environment for months until the right conditions are met for hatching, so keeping things cleaned up will be beneficial.

  1. Previous apartment tenant had pets with fleas!

When you moved in to your apartment, ticks are already there!  

These ticks already have their eggs in different parts of the your apartment. They typically lay their eggs near baseboards, windows and doors, furniture, edges of rugs, and curtains.

Now that we know that apartment-living dogs can get fleas and ticks, you now have the answer to the very first question:

Apartment Living Dogs: Do They Need Anti-Fleas and Ticks Treatment?


If you currently have apartment living dogs with fleas and ticks, send me a message in FB and I’ll share the latest anti fleas and ticks treatment that Vets are excited about!

It’s not yet on the market and you’ll be the first to know!

Send me this message in the FB of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital :  latest anti fleas and ticks treatment that Vets are excited about?


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Ticks 101: 8 Basic Tick Facts That Every Responsible Pet Owner Like You Should Know About

paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinic

Ticks 101

1) The tick found in dogs in the Philippines is Rhipicephalus sanguineus. In tagalog, garapata.

Ticks will not only bite your dog, but will they also bite you.

2) They love hot weather = summer.

3) They may cause your dog to scratch, be itchy and develop skin disease.

4) They are carriers of dangerous dog diseases like: Ehrlichia Canis (dog dengue) and Babesiosis.

paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinic

5) The species of ticks in other countries have toxins in their saliva which may cause tick paralysis.

6) The bite of ticks are irritating. May be painful and can cause inflammation. Secondary bacterial infection may lead to skin disease.

7) Lyme disease is painful condition in humans which is difficult to treat. It is transmitted by tick bites.

8) Visit your veterinarian on how to treat and prevent tick infestation of your dog and your house. It may be as easy as using spot on medications.

by: Sixto S. Carlos, DVM, MS

Makati Dog & Cat Hospital
