Do You Know The Hardest Part Of Your Fur Baby’s Body?

What is the toughest part of your fur baby’s body? Do you have an idea?

Can you guess?

Is it bone?

Nope! While it comes in a close second,  it isn’t.

It’s the teeth!

Enamel makes up the teeth which are the strongest part of the body.

Fur babies need their teeth to be strong, so they won’t have problems when they eat.

While teeth are sturdy and can take a lot of punishment, you still need to look after them.

Brushing daily is one way to keep them healthy.

It keeps teeth clean by removing food that may cause tartar buildup. 

Choose food that helps to keep your fur baby’s teeth clean.

Certain types of food and treats will keep pet’s teeth healthy.

It would be best to have occasional dental scaling.

Your veterinarian will recommend how often your pet needs this.

Dental scaling is a procedure that requires general anesthesia.

This means a veterinarian will put your pet to sleep.

This planned procedure requires a battery of tests to ensure your fur baby is healthy enough to undergo the process.  

Dental scaling and brushing prevent dental plaque.

Dental plaque is a substance from food particles and saliva that mix in your mouth.

It will build up in your mouth if not removed, which may lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

If the plaque isn’t removed, this will lead to tartar buildup, leading to other problems.

Tartar may also cause something we all hate, bad breath!

While you may be tempted to remove the tartar, this isn’t recommended as you may damage your pet’s teeth.

Experts should do this.

Give us a call for an appointment at 0908-896-7113 or message us on our FB page or email at makatidogandcathospital@gmail.comDental Prophylaxis

We’ll help keep your fur baby’s fresh and teeth healthy!

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