Dog Dehydration: Beat the Heat! Watch Out for These Signs in Your Dogs!

Dog Dehydration

Beat the Heat! Watch Out for These Signs in Your Dogs!
by Maria Catherina “Catey” Carlos, Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

A short guide on how to protect your pets from the Philippine Heat

Despite summer ending, the Philippine heat still prevails. As a country with “hot and hotter weather,” this scorching season never seems to leave. As pet owners, we should stay aware and watch out for our furry friends.

Our dogs can’t regulate their heat as efficiently as humans, making them more vulnerable to conditions such as hyperthermia. Also known as “heat exhaustion,” hyperthermia occurs when your dog’s temperature goes above what is normal. This leads to them being unable to regulate their body temperature, and can eventually become a fatal heat stroke.

In order to prevent your dogs from catching this, make sure to watch out for these signs:

  • Difficulty in breathing

When your dog has difficulty in breathing, it is likely that it’s hyperventilating. This is caused by them being overheated.

Don’t Lose Your Pet This Summer: Avail of Pet Microchipping!

  • Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when your dog does not have enough fluids/water. It can appear in many forms. Here are a few of the main ones:

  1. Excessive/Heavy panting
  2. Dry nose
  3. Lack of Urine
  • Lethargic behavior & Poor responsiveness

The combination of several factors such as increased body temperature and dehydration can cause your dog to be more tired than usual (ex: napping more than normal).

  • Muscle tremors

Muscle tremors such as shivering, shaking or twitching happen when hot temperatures induce a stress response in dogs. Part of this response is producing hormones which can affect muscle coordination.

  • Has trouble walking

If your dog has trouble walking, that could be a sign of dizziness. Overheating may have caused your pet to become light-headed.


If you notice these signs, make sure to contact your local veterinarian immediately.

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