How To Keep Your Fur Baby Happy, Healthy, And Active

Active Pets

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Fur Parent?

Having a fur baby fills a void in our lives. So many people would like to have a canine companion at home for many reasons.

Maybe they grew up having pets as members of the family. Now that they are on their own, they feel empty if they don’t have a fur baby at home.

Becoming a pet parent gives us the pleasure of being needed. Some parents feel that once their kids leave home, they must take care of someone else. Having a pet fulfills this want.

Or maybe people are just bored and lonely. Having a pet will keep them company.

Overall, pets give us: happiness, sanity, something to look forward to, and most importantly, unconditional love!

They’re good for our physical and mental health.

While most people would love to have a pet, it does take a lot of responsibility and knowledge to take care of one. So, if you think you have what it takes, just adopt only one initially.

Realize that you will be adjusting your life around your fur baby. You cannot be a “part-time” pet owner. It is a full-time activity that entails a lot of work.

Take note: while it is pleasurable to have pets, it isn’t exactly free! There are ways to minimize expenses, but you will have to spend money to take good care of them.

There are several things that you have to consider when you want to take care of a canine companion.

Proper Nutrition

Our pets, like us, will need to have proper nutrition. So, at the most basic, you have to give only dog food to dogs. You cannot give cat food to dogs (and vice-versa) as each has different nutritional requirements to be healthy.

Not all animals are made equal. Each would have its own specific needs.

Of course, you have to consider their age. There are recommended diets to keep them healthy depending on the stage of their lives.

You also have to consider prescription diets. You give specific foods to your fur baby to keep them healthy or help prevent them from getting sick.

Again, a Veterinarian will help you decide if you need this and which to use.

Regular Grooming 

There are different recommendations on how often you should groom your fur baby.

Some would recommend bathing once every four weeks. Others say once weekly.

Some recommend it more often than that. You must ensure your pet’s skin isn’t damaged by bathing too often.

It is recommended that you use shampoo specifically for dogs. However, if your fur baby has a skin condition, there might be a special shampoo you may have to use. Inquire your family veterinarian about which to get.

In addition to regular bathing, you must brush your pet’s fur every couple of days. This is to keep them clean, make sure they don’t get tangled, and remove any dirt. This also becomes a bonding time for both of you.

Exercise is a must. 

This will keep your pet functioning well. Not only physically but also for their mental health.

Exercising can be as simple as playing with them. Or you can possibly have something more regimented like walking or running.

Exercising your pet is not only good for their health, but it will also help keep you fit!

Diseases You Must Be Aware Of

There are several diseases that your pet may get.

Some like heart problems and even lameness may be genetic. They’re just born with it. You can’t do much about preventing it, but you can lessen its impact on your fur baby’s health.

Quite a few can be acquired and prevented if you know how!

Dangerous Viral Diseases

What about dangerous viral diseases? Rabies is one of them. It is a disease of public health importance. Not only can your fur baby be infected with this, but most mammals can also get it!

This means you and your fur baby can both get this disease. The problem is, if you ever catch it, it may be fatal!

The good thing about some viral infections, especially rabies, is they can be prevented with vaccinations.

Two other viral diseases that may cause your pets to get sick are:

  • Parvovirus
  • Distemper

Both of them are deadly to dogs. But, similar to rabies, they can be prevented with vaccinations and proper health habits.

Pesky External Parasites

Parasites are found everywhere. There are two kinds.

The first is the external parasites. These include ticks, fleas, and mites.

There was a time when these parasites were so challenging to treat or prevent! I remember when ticks had to be picked off one by one by hand. It was a long and tedious process.

Ticks can even transmit  A LOT of blood-borne diseases that can make your fur baby very sick and possibly even fatal.

Fleas were so challenging to control. They cause you and your pets to itch so much! They can even transmit tapeworms if swallowed accidentally.

And there are the mites which cause mange. There was even a time that you could not treat a specific kind of mite, those belonging to the Demodex sp. These are tiny cigar-shaped creatures that cause pets to be mangy.

At times, euthanasia was recommended because having this is considered cruel. There was no way to treat it properly before. Instead of allowing your canine companion to suffer terribly, having them put to sleep was considered more humane.

Luckily nowadays, there are newer meds to treat and prevent external parasites. So dogs do not need to suffer anymore. It may be as easy as popping one monthly pill to keep these parasites away!

Invisible Internal Parasites

Besides the external parasites that you can see (e.g. ticks and fleas), some parasites can live inside your pet’s body.

These may include roundworms and tapeworms found in their gut. Occasionally, flukes (or parasite flatworms) may also be present.

You must visit your family veterinarian regularly to check if your companion has internal parasites. Then, they will recommend what to do if your fur baby has it.

One not-so-rare internal parasite that you should be aware of is the Heartworm. It is found worldwide and is considered the most dangerous parasite for dogs.

Heartworm infection in dogs can cause a lot of problems. It will affect several organs like the liver, lungs, and heart! This may cause infected animals to get very sick and die.

Treatment for Heartworm infection is costly and may be detrimental to the dog’s health. Luckily there are ways to keep your fur baby from ever having it!

What Do You Do Now?

Reading everything above is a lot! But, that is only the beginning.

You should visit a veterinarian who will guide you on what to do. Someone who can teach you how to keep your fur baby happy, healthy, and active.

Message us at (Viber) 09088967113 or to get an appointment for your fur baby!

Remember, prevention and proper care will:

  • Make your fur baby happy.
  • Help you save money.
  • Keep you from getting heartache.

About the Author
