Meet Dra. Carmen Ligaya Carlos


My name is Carmen Ligaya Carlos and I belong to a family of veterinarians.

My parents, two siblings, and I all went to vet school.

My youngest sib took Business Administration.

I’m the oldest of four siblings. Although there are more; my parents, two siblings and I are vets.

My youngest sibling finished Business Ad (smart choice? Maybe, lol)

After completing vet school, I pursued medicine and became a licensed medical doctor.

I took my residency in Physical Medicine and rehabilitation and sub-specialized in Spinal Cord Injuries Rehabilitation.

Overall, choosing to become a doctor was a very good choice.

It was during my residency that I met my husband, Edward Santos, who is an outstanding orthopedic surgeon!

Vet and medical school had several similarities.

There were differences and similarities in the subjects that I took for veterinary medicine and human medicine.

Of course, the main difference is the focus of medicine on humans and veterinary medicine delved into a wide selection of animals.

But, some things are similar between the two disciplines.

It was in Parasitology where I found a lot of parallelisms.

Parasitology is the study of organisms that infest or exploit others.

This study includes roundworms, tapeworms, flukes, ticks, fleas, and many others.

It was interesting that many of the parasites that can infest animals were also able to exploit people too!

Our fur babies may be harboring parasites which may also affect us.

We have to be careful of dog and cat worms like hookworms, tapeworms, and roundworms that may infect us too (scary!).

We can also get infested with fleas, ticks, and mites coming from our furbabies!


Make sure you visit your veterinarian so they can give your pets preventives and/or treatments for these pesky parasites.

Not only will it protect your fur babies, but you and your family will be protected too!

Call now at 0908-896-7113 at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital to set an appointment.

We can check your pets for parasites and recommend treatments and preventives for everyone’s protection.


Dr. Carmen Ligaya Carlos


About the Author
