Tick and Flea 101: Do Fleas Bite People?

fleas bite people

Have you ever wondered if fleas bite people?

Has it crossed your mind that you or your family can also be a victim of flea bites?

You thought that having a dog and dealing with parasites is a one sided event. But you have to admit that nature does not work that way. Not all the time.

So to answer the question: Yes, fleas bite people.

Flea Bites Are Itchy

And like dogs scratching the itchiness away, flea bites on human can also be itchy. This is because parasites like fleas are good carriers of bacteria that can cause diseases to pets and humans alike. And like dogs, flea bites on people will come out like red spots.

Though for humans if you are able to resist scratching, the red spots can go away after a few days. But for dogs, flea allergy can be a result of flea bites.

Dog Flea Allergy: Do You Know Your Dog Can Be Allergic To Fleas?

What To Do When Fleas Bite People

As mentioned above, do not scratch the flea bites on your skin. Put ice on the flea bite or run cold water on it. This is to lessen the tendency to scratch as cold water can numb the area. You have to do this repeatedly though to make it effective.

While getting rid of the fleas in your home, you can put on anti-flea sprays or lotions on your skin. Remember mosquito repellents? There are flea repellent for humans as well. These usually are with citrus, cedar or minty scents because fleas do not like them.

It is common knowledge that when you have dogs, you can expect at one time or another that you have to deal with ticks and fleas. Unless if you are a smart pet owner, you prevent them from coming in the first place. To prevent fleas biting humans, tick and flea prevention is always the key.

Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

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