Category Archives for "Vet Approved"

Happy Client: Geinah Magadia Giducos

makati dog and cat hospital review

My Bogart is definitely in bad shape w/ maggots on his huge open wound and infected scrotum.

I called a lot vet clinics but none of them would like to accommodate him.

This hospital is definitely heaven sent w/ polite and courteous staffs… It’s absolutely your money’s worth <3 and indeed the St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals <3

– Geinah Magadia Giducos

Can You Use Dog Anti-Flea Product For Your Cats Too?

Dog Anti-Flea Product

Can You Use Dog Anti-Flea Product For Your Cats Too?

While cleaning your house, you see some crawling ticks and jumping fleas inside and outside your home. That is not a good sign.

You need to get rid of them fast. So you went to the nearest pet supply store and bought a Dog Anti-Flea Product. You realized that cats too can have the same ticks and fleas as your dog.

So you thought maybe the dog anti-flea product can be safe for your cats as well. Or is it?

With the many products available in the market today, do you think your cat will be safe with a dog anti-flea product? The obvious answer is NO.

Want to find out how you can get rid of these parasites naturally, read this:  Can You Get Rid of Ticks and Fleas Using Kitchen Ingredients?

Here’s why:

The Dog Anti-Flea Product Can Be Harmful To Your Cat

You have to understand that dog anti-flea products are for dogs only. Unless stated that the product is also good for cats, most tick and flea preventive for dogs have an ingredient that is effective for dogs but harmful for cats.

Cats have a more sensitive metabolism than dogs that even getting in close contact to dogs recently treated should not be allowed.

The ingredient pyrethrin can be bearable to a cat but in concentrated form can be dangerous. This is the chemical that is included in dog anti-flea products that your cat may be exposed to, usually found in topical tick and flea preventives.

When you see your cats not in their usual behavior, show signs of weakness, muscles twitching or shaking, then best to bring to the nearest veterinarian.

The best thing to do when you have both cats and dogs in your house and need to get rid of ticks and fleas, you have to separate them for the meantime when treating them from these parasites. You can also consider using tick and flea prevention products good for both cats and dogs.

But you have to remember never to give a dog anti-flea product to your cats.

There are anti-tick and flea products specially made for cats such as Broadline, Frontline and Seresto:

Anti Flea And Tick For Cats

You can buy these online now:

broadline cat

broadline kitten

frontline cat


If you want to learn more about anti-tick and flea products for dogs you can go here: Tick and Flea 101: Choosing The Right Tick and Flea Preventive For You And Your Pet


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Tick and Flea 101: Do Fleas Bite People?

fleas bite people

Have you ever wondered if fleas bite people?

Has it crossed your mind that you or your family can also be a victim of flea bites?

You thought that having a dog and dealing with parasites is a one sided event. But you have to admit that nature does not work that way. Not all the time.

So to answer the question: Yes, fleas bite people.

Flea Bites Are Itchy

And like dogs scratching the itchiness away, flea bites on human can also be itchy. This is because parasites like fleas are good carriers of bacteria that can cause diseases to pets and humans alike. And like dogs, flea bites on people will come out like red spots.

Though for humans if you are able to resist scratching, the red spots can go away after a few days. But for dogs, flea allergy can be a result of flea bites.

Dog Flea Allergy: Do You Know Your Dog Can Be Allergic To Fleas?

What To Do When Fleas Bite People

As mentioned above, do not scratch the flea bites on your skin. Put ice on the flea bite or run cold water on it. This is to lessen the tendency to scratch as cold water can numb the area. You have to do this repeatedly though to make it effective.

While getting rid of the fleas in your home, you can put on anti-flea sprays or lotions on your skin. Remember mosquito repellents? There are flea repellent for humans as well. These usually are with citrus, cedar or minty scents because fleas do not like them.

It is common knowledge that when you have dogs, you can expect at one time or another that you have to deal with ticks and fleas. Unless if you are a smart pet owner, you prevent them from coming in the first place. To prevent fleas biting humans, tick and flea prevention is always the key.

Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Tick And Flea Prevention: Why You Should Be Alarmed When Your Dog Scratches Too Much

flea prevention

Tick And Flea Prevention: Why You Should Be Alarmed When Your Dog Scratches Too Much

Are tick and flea prevention products common in your news feed?

If you are a dog owner you probably came across tick and flea prevention more often than you would like.  You can read them in any social media sites or you have shared some information about it one time or another.

Who wants to talk about fleas and ticks anyway?

Nevertheless, it is a topic few would want to talk about but are very much curious to learn more.

When you see your dog scratch, what do you do?

At first you might ignore it as it can be a natural instinct for your dog to do. But when you notice that your dog is scratching more than usual, you will check on the itchy spot.

You will see if there is something going on there: presence a parasite or red spot.

If either is visible, you should be wary already. If it is a tick or flea, you have to get rid of them using a tick or flea preventive. For red spots, you can use of over the counter products to get rid of the redness.

Tick and Flea Prevention: Consult Your Vet

But if you are wise, you would bring your pet to the vet to know why there is redness on your dog’s skin. You will not just eliminate the symptom but the cause of it.  

While you are there, you can also inquire on the best tick and flea prevention that your dog can have.

As a responsible pet owner, you have to know that some dogs can be allergic to fleas. Read more about flea allergy here.

There are many products on tick and flea prevention. Because these parasites are part of reality in owning pets. And having them in your homes is not a good sign. 

So the next time you see your dog scratching too much or itching all over – bring to the vet as soon as you can. You do not only secure your pet’s health but your family’s as well.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Dinky’s Corner: What You Should Look For When Starting Your Vet Practice

Vet Practice

Dinky’s Corner: What You Should Look For When Starting Your Vet Practice

Who Influenced Her To Become A Vet

Originally, it was her father who wanted to become a Vet. However, lack of time and resources did not allow him to pursue that path. Still, her father’s love for animals and dedication to their welfare created a strong family vibe that Dra. Santos imbibed with her love for animals. She keeps 9 cats, 1 dog, and a hamster. She expressed a certain fondness for a cat named “Gandhi”, a local domestic shorthair, which is her favorite companion when she goes home for the weekends.

What You Should Look For When Starting With Your Vet Practice

Having your first job at makati Dog and Cat Hospital will set you up for a thriving Veterinary career, as you will learn from a premier Pet Hospital that is managed by 4 generations of expert Vets.

Makati Dog and Cat Hospital provides you an environment of openness and knowledge sharing in the science and practice of veterinary medicine. With Dr. Santos, she is very much interested in Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery and is looking forward to being exposed to more specialized cases to gain experience. Expect to be trained in the latest equipment and technology that will boost your career as a Veterinarian. “Not everything can be taught in Vet School,” she said.

Dr. Santos expressed this in her first few weeks with us. Her initial experience brought her new experiences and a better appreciation of what it really means to be a veterinarian. She hopes to learn as much as she can as she feels she is in the right place and with right people for her to do that. With Makati Dog and Cat Hospital, you have our support!


First Hand Experience with Dr. Charisma Sunny C. Santos, DVM
A Certified Pet Lover and Newest Member of Our Team

P.S. She has 9 cats, 1 dog, and a hamster :). Do you still need proof that our new Vet is a certified Pet Lover?

Drop by our Pet Hospital and you’ll meet Dr. Charisma Sunny C. Santos! She is a young vet who recently joined last September 9, 2017. She’s a recent graduate of the De La Salle-Araneta School of Veterinary Medicine and raring to start off her career in Vet Practice.

ParvoVirus Vaccination Awareness: Parvo Cases On The Rise! Be A Responsible Pet Owner And Update Your Pet’s Vaccination Especially Against The Parvovirus

ParvoVirus Vaccination Awareness

ParvoVirus Vaccination Awareness: Parvo Cases On The Rise! Be A Responsible Pet Owner And Update Your Pet’s Vaccination Especially Against The Parvovirus

Did your dog suddenly experience bloody diarrhea? Or lost appetite and yet vomiting? Or just not in his or her usual normal self and has fever?

Your pet may be a victim of the parvovirus.

And if left untreated this virus can kill your dog in less than 72 hours.

Not to scare you or anything but any responsible pet owner knows that Parvo virus can be fatal to your pet. And what makes it worse is because it is contagious. Your other dogs can be affected with the virus as well. Or your neighbor’s pet with parvovirus can pose a danger to your dogs.

Recently, the parvo cases that are brought to the hospital have increased. And that is not a good sign.

So what should you do to avoid the parvovirus from infecting your furbaby?

Parvovirus Vaccination Awareness

Here are the Top Frequently Asked Questions on the Parvovirus and Its Prevention:

Q: Is the Parvovirus vaccine necessary?

Yes. The 5-n-1 Vaccination that includes Parvovirus vaccine is a recommended vaccination for your dog. This vaccine is the only way to keep your dog protected from distemper, parvo, hepatitis, leptospirosis and parainfluenza.

Q: I have a new puppy, how do I make sure that he or she does not get the parvovirus?

Puppies at least 6 weeks old can be given the 5-n-1 Vaccination that includes the Parvovirus Vaccine. Best if you got your pet’s vaccination record to know if the vaccine was already given.

If the puppy is less than the recommended age for the Parvovirus Vaccine, limit the exposure to other puppies or dogs that you are not sure has been vaccinated. Avoid bringing your puppy to places where unvaccinated dogs may be roaming and be exposed to parvovirus. Ex: public parks, village basketball courts, etc.

Q: My dog already had his Parvovirus vaccine during his first year, is that enough protection?

Adult dogs should be vaccinated with the Parvovirus vaccine every year. After the 4th shot at 15-17 weeks old, Parvovirus vaccine should then be given yearly after that.

Q: My dog is not feeling well lately and seem to be lethargic, does she have Parvovirus?

Whenever your dog is not doing well or not her normal active self, always bring to the vet. This is to make sure that your pet will be given proper medical attention and care that she needs. A test is done to check if your dog has parvo in the vet clinic or pet hospital.

If you have any more questions regarding the Parvovirus do not hesitate to ask. Just hit reply (comment) and we will answer your query. Or ask your vet for further details and discussion on this virus and its vaccine.

For more details on vaccination schedule you can check out the vaccination schedule here for dogs: Pet Vaccination Schedule

You have cats? Refer to this Cat Vaccination Schedule

The bottomline is to make sure that your dog is properly vaccinated from the start – from puppyhood to adulthood. For the first year there will a lot of vet visits but after that, you can bring in your pet for annual check-ups and include in it the vaccinations needed.

Some pet hospitals like Makati Dog and Cat Hospital offer Vet Home Service for your convenience.

Hope to see you soon in our pet hospital for your pet’s vaccination!


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Happy Client: Ivy Mamburao

Makati Dog and Cat Hospital Reviews

So thankful to Makati Dog and Cat Hospital for making my little Berry well. Dr. San Pedro did such a great job in taking care of my dog from the time I brought him in when he was ill, up to the time that he’s well and ready to go home.

The handlers took good care of my little Berry too! I saw that every staff in this clinic – be it veterinarians, front desk people, handlers, and even the guard – show genuine care for dogs and cats alike which is reassuring to pet owners like myself.

I have nothing but good words for Makati Dog and Cat Hospital. I’m just glad I chose this clinic for my dogs. Highly recommended!

– Ivy Mamburao

Flea Remedies: 3 Best Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs

flea remedies
Flea Remedies: 3 Best Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs

You’ve seen it, haven’t you?

And you even have to remove it from your furbaby’s skin.

It’s an ewwww moment, but you gotta do what you got to do.

Yep, that flea needs to get away from your dog, fast.

For dog lovers, this can be a common thing.

Yes, it’s not just you. Been there. Done that. And maybe even more.

We have seen it, we have removed it and we have put it away.

How? Well, you can think of different ways.

And you ask, what are the different ways to remedy fleas from your dogs?

Let me tell you some of the best flea remedies for your dog:

Flea Remedies: Protect Your Home

Fleas thrive in a house where they are being ignored.  They can hide in a corner or in your carpet. Do not let this happen.

It is important to have a habit of cleaning off everything in your home. If you use carpets, arrange them in such a way that it will not meet the wall, that’s the fleas favorite spot right there.

Wash pet beds as well as furniture covers.  Vacuum at least once a week all over your house and don’t forget to throw away the trash bag where you emptied your vacuum bags into.

You can put refined salt or baking soda on your furniture and carpet to keep off the fleas from making a home in there.

Flea Remedies: Protect Your Garden

It is not just your home that you should protect but also your garden, if you have one. Interestingly, you can get help from other insects to eradicate fleas.

Ladybug’s meal consist of soft-bodied bugs like fleas. An adult ladybug can consume as much as 50 insects a day.

If you see fire ants in your yard, do not totally get rid of them. Keep them in your yard as they are flea larvae eating machines. You can allow fire ants to be present but in a controlled manner.

Flea Remedies: Avail of Flea and Tick Treatment

To end flea infestation quickly, here’s the one thing you can do: talk to your vet and ask on the best flea and tick treatment in the market.

Flea and tick treatment gets rid of ticks and fleas fast. And effectiveness is long lasting. There are products that last up to 30 days. So you can just give your pet a chewable tablet once a month to make sure that your fur baby is tick and flea free.

There are several flea and tick treatment available in the market today and you can discuss this with your pet’s vet to find out the best option.

Next time you come across a flea, you know what to do.

If you need a quick relief that lasts longer, you can try the new Simparica Dog and Flea Protection. It protects your pet from nasty tick and flea infestation not just 30 days but up to 35 days.

To order yours, call Ms. Mylez at these numbers: 896-6386 / 896-2860 / 0908-896-711.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC


“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client



Fleas Philippines: 3 Obvious Signs Your Pet Has Fleas And Why You Should Not Ignore Them

fleas philippinesYes, we have been there.

After a day’s work, you just want to relax.

Your furry baby snuggles up to you and you both have a relaxing Saturday night.

But then your dog starts scratching and you seem to be scratching as well.

It’s nothing to fear but your dog might have fleas.

It may be common for dogs to have fleas but you do not want that on YOUR dog.

Here are the 3 Obvious Signs Your Dog Has Fleas:

Fleas Philippines: More Than Usual Scratching or Chewing

After fleas bite a dog, they secrete saliva which causes itching sensation on the skin. The main areas that get itchy are the from the upper arms, armpits, belly, sides, thighs and tail base.  

Some dogs can manage the itching sensation but some dogs can feel the itch far greater than others. This can lead to the dogs chewing or biting the itchy spots.

So it is no surprise that if your dog is scratching their bodies, you can suspect that fleas are attacking. More often than not, your dog can get frustrated because of the itch and can become restless of the flea infestation.

Fleas Philippines: Presence of Flea Dirt

Try to do this now: go to the furrier areas of your dog – ears, neck, hindquarters or belly. Part the fur and check if you see small dark dirt bits. Like peppered “soil” spots on your dog’s skin.

Now how could ‘soil’ get there?

Well, they are actually not soil but digested blood by the fleas. So yes, the dark bits are flea feces.

You can also test if these bits are flea dirt. Get a wet paper towel and grab some bits. If it turns reddish brown then you can now confirm what is on your dog is flea dirt.

Don’t forget to wash your hands.

Fleas Philippines: Visible Skin Problems

Aside from the scratching and flea dirt, you may notice that your dog experiences hair loss. This is usually an effect of excessive scratching and biting. This is most common to dogs with longer coats.

Other than hair loss, red rash or hot spots can also develop as an allergic reaction to the flea saliva.

And as pet owners, you are not safe from the flea bites as well. Fleas can bite you and may cause red bumps or welts – and yes it will be irritatingly itchy.

What can you do?

There are various ways to get rid of dog fleas that are available in the market today. You can ask your vet what you can do for your pet.

If you need a quick relief that lasts longer, you can try the new Simparica Dog and Flea Protection. It protects your pet from nasty tick and flea infestation not just 30 days but up to 35 days.

To order yours, call Ms. Mylez at these numbers: 896-6386 / 896-2860 / 0908-896-7113


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Pet Vaccine Cost: How sure are you on the quality of your pet vaccines?

Pet Vaccine Cost

Pet Vaccine Cost: How sure are you on the quality of your pet vaccines?

When they come to my office, I can spot first time pet owners a mile away.  

They you have blingy pet accessories and bags, from cutest pet costumes, most comfy pet bed, best pet shampoo  … often forgetting the most important thing on their pet’s health:  Pet vaccination

When you remind them on this, they’ll ask you: “Doc, meron po bang mas murang bakuna?”

In online forums, I read this question:

Mga sir magkano po ba ang magpavaccine? (5n1,6n1,&8n1) (deworm)

Pwede po ba na ako nlng ang magvaccine?

Saan po ba nakakabili ng mga vaccine?

Kasi dito po sa amin in Las Pinas and singil sa akin ng vaccine is 600 pesos sa 5n1, tapos sa deworm 300 naman.

Beginner lang po kasi ako, that’s why I ask many questions

I don’t have anything against loving first time pet owners, my mandate is clear: I’m here to support RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS.

Now, if there’s only ONE message that you will get from article, I hope it is this:

Cost of prevention is lower than cost of treatment

An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure

Let me break this down for you …

Pet Vaccine Cost: Prevention vs. Cure


Cost of anti rabies vaccination: P395

Note: in some barangays it’s FREE when they have anti rabies campaign

Treatment for Humans only [PGH rate]

a. If you have previous vaccinations:

anti rabies shot: P500

Booster: P250

Subtotal: P750 [these will be given to you 2 times]

Total: P1,500

b. If you do not have previous vaccinations:

Tests required by doctors: P3,500

3 anti rabies shots: P500 each for a total of P1,500

Total: P5,000

The same is true if your pet tested positive for heartworm.  Check out this article where I have some estimates on cost of heartworm prevention vs. cost for cure of heartworm

Now, are you now seriously considering prevention for your fur baby?

Pet Vaccine Cost: 2 Crucial Things You Need To Know On Quality Vaccines and Prevention

After weighing all the costs on prevention vs. cure, you are ready to call for an appointment to your trusted Vet.

But wait!  There’s 2 more crucial things that you should know!

Here are 2 more things that you should remember:

  1. Prevention works best if you partner with a licensed Vet.  This is true for 3 reasons:

Your licensed Vet has access to quality vaccines.  Manufacturers of rabies and 5in1 vaccines and others deal only with Licensed Vets

Your licensed Vet knows the correct dosage and right schedule to give the vaccines, which depends on the age of your puppy.

With your licensed Vet, you are assured of proper storage and handling of vaccines

  1.  Prevention will work for you if you use only quality vaccines.  I cannot emphasize this enough: Go for quality manufacturers of pet vaccines.

Read this post to check if your pets are receiving quality vaccines from these reputable companies  

Again, if there’s only ONE message that you will get from article, I hope it is this:

Cost of prevention is lower than cost of treatment

As pet parents, you should compare costs of vaccines.  

As you compare pet vaccine costs, make sure your favorite Vet is registered or licensed just to make sure your fur baby gets quality vaccines.

Forward this article to a fellow pet lover and they’ll thank you for this!

Enjoy peace of mind while caring for your dogs and cats,


Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

P.S.  Don’t have time to visit a Licensed Vet?

Why not let the Licensed Vet come to your pet?

Call 896-2860 / 896-6386 and schedule a Vet Home service for your fur baby!  She can have her 5-in-1 vaccine at the comfort of your home … and you’ll avoid the horrible traffic in EDSA!

Call896-2860 / 896-6386 and let the Licensed Vet come to you 🙂



