Pet Deworming: Do You Know You Can Get Worms From Your Pet?

Protect Yourself From Your Pet Dog’s Worms with Pet Deworming

Your Pet Dog May Have Worms

Not to cause any panic but right at this moment, there’s a big chance that your pet may have worms.  

Of course, the presence of worms depends on the environment, presence of other pets, presence of mosquitos, presence of fleas and what you feed your furbaby.

There are four worms that stand out and could affect your dog namely: dog roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and heartworms.  

All of these worms can also infect people and that includes you as a pet owner.

The roundworms and hookworms are transmitted through swallowing.  Hookworms can also be transmitted by ground contact.  The tapeworm is transmitted through fleas.  Heartworms are transmitted by mosquito bites.

The roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm are typically found in the intestine.  The heartworm – as the name suggests – is found in the heart/lungs. 

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Signs Your Pet is Already Infected

There are several signs that may show your pet is infected with worms.  Some of these symptoms are coughing, weakness, exercise intolerance, vomiting and diarrhea.  Sometimes, the worms can be seen in the stool.

Have Your Pet Tested

Tests are available to detect the presence of these common dog worms.  As a responsible pet owner, you should ask your family veterinarian about this.

Your vet will recommend that your dog will undergo such tests regularly.  Test result will determine if your dog is worm-free or not. And if there are worms present, the test will help him figure out what is the best solution for your pet’s health.

There are specific meds required for the treatment for each type of worm.  Knowing what worm is infecting your pet will help in identifying the right meds for your pet.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure . . . 

Another thing to ask your family veterinarian is if there are preventatives available for each worm.  Medicine that will work on the large roundworm and the hookworm may not work on the tapeworm.  There is also a specific preventative medicine for heartworms.

Why Go To A Licensed Veterinarian


Prevention is much better than treating the presence of worms.  This is especially true for heartworms.  Once your dog has this kind of worm, the treatment has some risks and can be expensive. The treatment can even drag to several months.  In the worst cases, it cannot be treated at all.

When your pet is infected with a lot of hookworms, this can be detrimental to your pet’s health.  Your pet will become very sick and may even lead to death.

The roundworm and tapeworm may not be as bad as the two mentioned earlier, but can also cause your pet to get very ill.

Pet Deworming and Prevention

Get your pets, especially your dogs, to avail of pet deworming services. 

It’s best to go to your veterinarian so your pet can be dewormed if he has any intestinal worms.  He can also prescribe preventives if there are worms detected.

With heartworms, he will recommend a special preventive program for this.  Hopefully your dog doesn’t have any.

You can call us at these numbers during hospital hours to book your pet’s deworming appointment:  (02) 8896-6386 / 8896-2860 / 0908-896-7113. 

Makati Dog and Cat Hospital serves you and your pet from 8AM to 3PM, Mondays to Saturdays.

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Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

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