What To Do With Your Scratching Cat As A Responsible Pet Owner

Got questions on Ticks and Fleas? Hear the answers to your questions directly from our expert Vet, Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS

scratching cat

Apart from being our Expert Vet at the Makati Dog and Cat Hospital, Dr. Sixto Carlos is recognized by his peers for his contributions on the study of prevention of parasites in small animals:

What To Do With Your Scratching Cat?

Have you wondered why your cat keeps on scratching? 

There are various reasons why your cat may be scratching. A few of these include fungal infection, bacterial infection, skin allergy and parasites. 

The most common reason why your cat is scratching is having parasites. 

If you are a cat lover you would know that the parasites that are attacking your cat are fleas. Unfortunately, fleas can be found all over the world and your pet can have them wherever you are in the world.

You can learn more about Ticks and Fleas here.

Possible Treatment of Fleas: Do They Work?

There are a lot of supposed ways to treat fleas.  

But the question is, do they work? 

Herbal Remedies: Are These Safe?

Some say herbal remedies like garlic can be used. That is quite unlikely. 

Another thing is, can you actually give your cat garlic? Garlic can be toxic to cats that even a small clove can cause damage to your pet. 

Others recommend the use of combs and even say an electric one is better as it removes or kills fleas. 

The problem is, you can’t get all of the fleas using that comb.  Even if you do,  there will always be new fleas coming from the environment.

Shampoos: Do They Work Long-Term?

Ticks and fleas shampoos are also available in the market. While they may work, you have to consider a couple of problems.  

One – Have you ever tried giving your cat a bath?  It is very difficult and you will soon find out what it feels like to be in a Mixed Martial Arts match. 

Second problem is that they don’t work too long.

For an effective flea treatment, you need the treatment to work continuously for a month.  Shampoos will only work a couple of days at most, so you will be needing to bathe your cat a lot.  

All cat owners would agree that bathing a cat would be extremely difficult or maybe impossible at all.

Have you ever wondered if ticks and fleas bite people? Find out here.

Tick and Flea Spot On:  Is It Really Safe?

These days bring in better tick and flea treatment that are easy to use for pet owners. 

And they actually work like magic!!!

One of these meds is the Spot-On Treatment that you just drop on the nape of your cat where your pet cannot reach to lick it.  Within a day or so, the meds will spread on every millimeter of cat skin on its own.  

This treatment will be able to protect your cat for a month!  

Also when using this Spot-On Treatment, on top of keeping your cat from getting fleas, he or she will also be protected from ticks, lice and mites!

You may be wondering if this Spot-On Treatment is safe?  

In the medical sense, these meds have been tested for several years in large companies at the cost of millions of dollars and have passed several safety tests. 

People with PhDs have conducted a lot of studies to make sure they do not cause any harm on your furball.  Studies were done citing the effectiveness of these Spot-On Treatment.

Those who have used this treatment have given feedback:

This is a good product. We have used Frontline for year. It works on our three cats well, killing fleas and especially ticks. you should read how it is applied so you know how it works. It is a “systemic” medicine, absorbed into the cat’s skin. When a tick or flea bits, they get a dose, and die.” – Bob

Great value good product. “We use this on our 10 year old indoor cat, as he does frequent an outdoor screened in sunporch and also makes an occasional escape when the humans are bringing in groceries and distracted. We have not seen any fleas or droppings on him or his bedding.

Also included in the package is a small sheet of stickers you can apply to your planner or calendar reminding you when it is time to reapply the treatment each month and a sticker reminding you to reorder.” – Mary

Really Good Product. “I have used Frontline for many years on my pets with no adverse reactions, only positive results.” – Seek Felicity

What should you do?  Contact us at (02) 8896-6386 / 8896-2860 / 0908-896-7113 so we set an appointment and teach you which meds can be used for cats to eliminate scratching in cat.  

In addition to that, we will also give recommendations on what vaccines, diet and trim their nails so you and your feline friends will stay healthy. 

Makati Dog and Cat Hospital serves you and your pet from 8AM to 3PM, Mondays to Saturdays.

Connect with us on our Facebook.


Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos, DVM, MS
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

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